
Beyond the Headlines

Oil workers rally for shift change, against DG

Workers from the state-run South Oil Company (SOC) are demanding improved working conditions, including a change in shift hours, and are calling for the resignation of the company's director general if the demands go unmet.

Workers at the South Oil Company rally outside company headquarters in Basra on March 10, 2015. (STAFF/Iraq Oil Report)

Nassiriya plant to increase power

Nassirya's thermal power plant will begin generating 630 megawatts of electricity by mid-March, as the plant's second production unit emerges from refurbishment.

KBR looks for Dhi Qar projects

U.S. contractor KBR, which did brisk business between the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq and the withdrawal of U.S. combat forces at the end of 2011, is looking for new business opportunities in Dhi Qar province.

Cabinet decisions: Feb. 26, 2013

Each week Beyond the Headlines features a raw translation of the Cabinet decisions, as made public in Arabic by the media office of the Council of Ministers.

Four new wells at Halfaya

Iraq's state-run Missan Oil Company announced the completion of four new wells at the Halfaya oil field.

Flooding raises landmine danger

Heavy rains and flooding in Missan province may have caused old unexploded ordnance along the Iranian border to move, endangering local residents.

Cabinet Decisions: Feb 19, 2013

Each week Beyond the Headlines features a raw translation of the Cabinet decisions, as made public in Arabic by the media office of the Council of Ministers.

Iran pipeline may scupper free zone

A large investment project in Diyala province is in danger following the Ministry of Oil's decision to route a gas pipeline from Iran through a planned free zone.

Bomb blast thwarts Ninewa fuel pipeline

Shortly after the Ministry of Oil resumed pipeline supply of oil products to Ninewa province, those efforts to repair infrastructure were thwarted by a bomb attack.

Kirkukis face long lines for fuel

A combination of busier roads in Kirkuk and the slow decay of its nearby oil infrastructure is putting pressure on the city's fuel supply, leading to long queues and increased prices at gasoline stations.

Halfaya gas feeds Kahla power plant

The 180 megawatt Al-Kahla power station in southern Missan province is running on associated gas for the first time, due to the completion of an associated gas capture and pipeline project at the Halfaya oil field.