
Baghdad approves 15 bridges for $300M

Amanat Baghdad's Engineering Department said Monday (August 13th) that 15 bridges worth $300 million will be built in Baghdad to improve traffic conditions and urban planning. "An agreement was reached with 33 Iraqi, Turkish and Italian companies to start the project within 30 days," Eng. Talib Nejim al-Maamouri, head of the Engineering Department, told Al-Shorfa.

Al-Shorfa reports:

Amanat Baghdad's Engineering Department said Monday (August 13th) that 15 bridges worth $300 million will be built in Baghdad to improve traffic conditions and urban planning.

"An agreement was reached with 33 Iraqi, Turkish and Italian companies to start the project within 30 days," Eng. Talib Nejim al-Maamouri, head of the Engineering Department, told Al-Shorfa.