

New SOMO director named as Iraq reshuffles oil sector leadership

Ali Nazar al-Shatari will be Iraq's new head of oil marketing as the Sudani government makes changes across several top oil posts.

SOMO Deputy Director General and Head of Crude Ali Nazar al-Shatari (right), at the Nov. 30, 2016, OPEC meeting in Vienna with then-Iraqi Oil Minister Jabbar Ali al-Luiebi (center), and then-SOMO Director General Falah Alamri (left). (Source: OPEC Media Office)

January production steady

Rising production from state-operated projects helped compensate for temporary disruptions at the West Qurna 1 field.

Iraq refineries resurgent

Investors have been wary of multi-billion-dollar refinery tenders, but that hasn’t stopped the Oil Ministry from bringing vital new capacity online.

The Baiji refinery and the surge

In an excerpt from his new book, “Iraq and the Politics of Oil,” former U.S. oil official Gary Vogler narrates the high-stakes struggles over Iraq’s largest refinery.

Oil Ministry strengthens KAR ties

Crude flows are increasing from the federal North Oil Company in Kirkuk to KAR Group's refineries in Kurdistan, despite political obstacles arising from Baghdad-Erbil disputes.