

New SOMO director named as Iraq reshuffles oil sector leadership

Ali Nazar al-Shatari will be Iraq's new head of oil marketing as the Sudani government makes changes across several top oil posts.

SOMO Deputy Director General and Head of Crude Ali Nazar al-Shatari (right), at the Nov. 30, 2016, OPEC meeting in Vienna with then-Iraqi Oil Minister Jabbar Ali al-Luiebi (center), and then-SOMO Director General Falah Alamri (left). (Source: OPEC Media Office)

Ministry drops Nassiriya Integrated Project

Iraq had attempted to pair the Nassiriya oil field and refinery projects to lure investors, but now the state-run DQOC will develop the field on its own, ending negotiations with a Chinese consortium.

BP is back in Kirkuk

A memorandum of understanding promises to re-start BP's reservoir studies, and could lead to a long-term development deal.

Oil Ministry rebuffs Parliament order against KAR

Despite a non-binding Parliament vote, the ministry indicated it will take a practical approach to continue working with the Iraqi Kurdish company enmeshed in northern Iraq's oil sector.

KRG exports tick up in December

Kurdistan's fourth-quarter exports plummeted after Baghdad's takeover of Kirkuk-area fields, but independent oil sales have risen modestly due to recent production increases.