

Q&A: Oil Minister Jabbar Allibi

The newly confirmed minister is seeking a "quiet" environment for improving relationships with both international oil companies and the Kurdistan government.

Q&A: Deputy Oil Minister Hamid Younis Salih

The deputy minister for gas affairs discusses Iraq's rising LPG and condensates exports, as well as the future of major projects currently stalled by security problems.

Q&A: Deputy Oil Minister Fayadh Nema

On the sidelines of an OPEC meeting, Nema talks about the steps Iraq is taking to overcome challenges and hit ambitious production targets.

Kurdistan launches mining sector

KRG’s Ministry of Natural Resources calls for expressions of interest in seven prospective mineral exploration licenses.

Q&A: Senior Deputy Oil Minister Fayadh Nema

After taking over day-to-day leadership of the Oil Ministry in the wake of an ongoing political crisis, Fayadh Nema discusses the path ahead for Iraq's oil sector.

Q&A: Iraqi Brig. Gen. Yahya Rasool

Iraq’s spokesman for the Joint Military Command taking on IS discusses the grueling siege of Fallujah, and the progress of operations in Anbar province.

Q&A: Kirkuk Gov. Najmaldin Karim

The province where Iraq's oil industry was born is starting to get paid for oil by the Kurdistan region. Kirkuk's governor explains the new "petrodollar" deal.