

Q&A: Kirkuk Governor Najmaldin Karim

In the aftermath of the rise of ISIS, Kirkuk's governor discusses Iraq's territorial disputes, control of the province's oil fields, and the future of BP.

Q&A: Falah Mustafa Bakir

Kurdistan's top ambassador says KRG territory now irreversibly includes the Kirkuk oil field, in a "new reality" of almost total Kurdish independence.

Q&A: TAQA Iraq President Leo Koot

The head of one of the most strategically valuable investors in Iraqi Kurdistan's oil sector talks production plans and pipeline tie-ins.

Q&A: Thamir Ghadhban

The prime minister's energy czar talks about production, flaring reduction, refining targets and the ongoing dispute between Baghdad and the KRG.

Q&A: The Calculator

IOR talks to Ali Hama Salih, Kurdistan’s popular MP, and a rising star in the opposition Gorran party.