Basra Governor faces legal challenge, demands oil contracting rights
Basra's new Governor, back from heart surgery in Kuwait, is adamant that he approves all new oil deals.Basra Governor Majid al-Nasrawi (right) at his home in Basra meeting with Iraqi Parliament Speaker Usama Nujaifi on Jan. 18. (Source: Basra Governorate)
BASRA - Majid al-Nasrawi has been holding community meetings in the heart of oil country asserting the rights of the Basra government in oil contracting and threatening to stop oil production if an increase in petrodollar revenue redistribution doesn't take effect.
His controversial workload and high stress of the job are what officials close to the first-time politician said they blame for Nasrawi's heart attack last week in Baghdad followed by angioplasty surgery in Kuwait.
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