Dhi Qar officials: Petronas too slow in Garraf
Political and energy officials in province express impatience, make plans for expected oil revenue increase, and seek rural access to electricity, after visit to Malaysia.Dhi Qar province governor, Talib al-Hasan, at a press conference after a trip to Malaysia. (STAFF/Iraq Oil Report)
NASSIRIYA - The governor of Dhi Qar province, Talib al-Hasan, said he is optimistic after a recent visit to Kuala Lumpur but still urged Petronas, Malaysia's state company, to increase the pace of its work on the Garraf oil field.
Petronas, with junior partner Japex, was awarded Garraf in an auction last December. The contract was signed in January, as were most of the 10 oil contracts the Iraqi Oil Ministry signed with foreign oil companies following two auctions last year.
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