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Gharraf field restarts after four months as Petronas team returns

The field will initially target 50,000 bpd – about half the production level it averaged before shutting down amidst the coronavirus pandemic.
In mid-July 2019, workers from the state-owned Iraqi Drilling Company completed Well D-83 at the Gharraf oil field, operated by Malaysia's Petronas. (STAFF/Iraq Oil Report)

NASSIRIYA - Iraq's Gharraf oil field re-started production this week after going offline in mid March, when the operator, Petronas, withdrew workers back to Malaysia before its pandemic-related border closures.

The shut-off helped Iraq cut output as part of the OPEC-plus agreement to reduce global oil production in an effort to support prices. Gharraf averaged more than 95,000 barrels per day (bpd) in 2019, but dropped to 59,000 bpd in February 2020 before shutting the field and evacuating March 17.

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