
Inside Mosul: April 3, 2017

Detailed updates from Islamic State militant-held areas of Ninewa province, gathered via Iraq Oil Report's network of reporters and contacts.
Bitumen residue on the ground by a "haraqat" refinery unit in the Khafsah area south of Mosul on Feb. 13, 2017, two days after the area was liberated from Islamic State by the 9th Armored Division. (PATRICK OSGOOD/Iraq Oil Report)
  • IS militants using more women snipers, disguised as civilians
  • Federal Police in Yarmouk attacked with chemically-laced mortars
  • IS militants executed 21 civilians, including women and children, in Tanak neighborhood as they attempted to escape
  • IS launch dozens of mortars to liberated Badush, killing 32 civilians
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