
Q&A: Basra Gas Company Deputy Director Marfaa Kadhim al-Asadi

The joint venture between state-owned South Gas Company, Shell, and Mitsubishi is expanding its processing capacity to capture up to 94 percent of the associated gas produced from the three largest oil producing fields in southern Iraq. The expansion is crucial if Iraq is to reduce the wasteful practice of gas flaring.
Marfaa Kadhim al-Asadi, deputy director of the Basra Gas Company. (Photo courtesy of Basra Gas Company.)

BASRA - The Basra Gas Company (BGC) is now operating with four times more processing capacity than when the joint venture was formed in 2013, capturing half of Iraq’s still massive burning of associated gas.

There is a five-year expansion plan currently underway that will boost capacity by another 400 million standard cubic feet per day (scfd) once two new units are added and new compressors installed at some of the country’s largest producing fields.

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