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Q&A: Deputy Finance Minister Fadhil Nabee Othman

To get billions in international loans, Iraq needs to finesse a tricky financial challenge - cutting spending while also funding its military, government payroll, and oil investment.
Deputy Finance Minister Fadhil Nabee Othman (middle right) and Iraqi Central Bank Governor Ali al-Alaq (middle left). (Source: Iraqi Finance Ministry)

BAGHDAD - When Parliament voted out Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari in September, the long-serving deputy finance minister unofficially took the reins of one of Iraq's most important institutions.

"Not two - 10 people's jobs," Fadhil Nabee Othman said, joking about the breadth of his duties. At the start of an interview with Iraq Oil Report in his Baghdad office, a dozen people, including other deputy ministers, were waiting to meet with him.

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