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Rising budget controversy endangers northern export restart

A compromise measure to pay Kurdistan's oil contractors and unlock Iraq's northern oil export route has met major political opposition.

The Iraqi Parliament Finance Committee meets on Jan. 19, 2025 to discuss budget legislation. (Photo credit: Iraqi Parliament)

UPDATE: Kurdish oil demands to Maliki revealed

According to previously undisclosed communiqué, Kurdish leaders want specific oil and revenue laws passed in 2011 and say KRG should decide constitutionality of its oil deals.

Erbil, Baghdad still at odds over oil

Iraq’s political and fiscal realities appear to be pushing Baghdad closer to its oil rivals in Kurdistan, though the two sides remain wedged apart by both bitterness and key policy differences.

Gas deals advance, political hurdles remain

Ministry officials initialed contracts for Mansuriya and Siba fields, but Anbar province protests have worked, stalling Akkas. All three deals hinge on the formation of a new government, which looks more likely after the weekend.

Politics of uncertainty

Days before a court-mandated meeting of Parliament, Iraq’s leaders capped a round of power-sharing talks with optimistic televised speeches but little tangible progress.

Oil for the people, they hope

Iraq has increased its reserves and signed the world’s largest companies to boost oil and gas production. Iraqis wonder whether the hydrocarbon revolution will bring them prosperity or ruin.

Iraqiya against gas and oil deals

Iraq’s most popular electoral coalition has condemned the Maliki government's oil and gas contracts, signaling a new political strategy for a marginalized opposition movement.