

Q&A: Mohammed Khurshid, head of KDP in Kirkuk

The KRG's ruling Kurdistan Democratic Party is trying to retain influence and win votes in Iraq's national elections despite losing control of key disputed territories.

Q&A: Abdulsatar Majid of the Komal party

A politburo member of a small but influential party in Kurdistan talks about the obstacles to Kurdish cohesion in Baghdad, and the changes the party is demanding in Erbil.

Iraqi Cabinet decisions: Apr. 24, 2018

Whenever the media office of the Council of Ministers releases decisions of the Cabinet, Iraq Oil Report publishes a translation from the original Arabic.

Iraqi Cabinet decisions: Apr. 17, 2018

Whenever the media office of the Council of Ministers releases decisions of the Cabinet, Iraq Oil Report publishes a translation from the original Arabic.

Q&A: Farid Asasard, PUK leadership council member

Less than a month before national elections, a member of the PUK's leadership council talks about Kurdish party in-fighting, the struggle for a united stand in Baghdad and the impact on Kurdistan's oil sector.