

Despite hostilities, northern exports flow

Federal authorities are sending crude through the Kurdistan export pipeline and into Turkish port storage under KRG control - a sign of rare cooperation at a time of explosive political friction.

Iraqi Cabinet decisions: Oct. 24, 2017

Whenever the media office of the Council of Ministers releases decisions of the Cabinet, Iraq Oil Report publishes a translation from the original Arabic.

Khurmala in the crosshairs

Federal forces scramble to reinforce dramatic gains in Iraq's disputed territories, as the KRG fortifies a key oil asset in anticipation of another potential confrontation.

Iraqi Cabinet decisions: Oct. 17, 2017

Whenever the media office of the Council of Ministers releases decisions of the Cabinet, Iraq Oil Report publishes a translation from the original Arabic.

Q&A: Kirkuk Gov. Najmaldin Karim

As political and military tensions mount around Kirkuk, the governor discusses the future of the province and its oil.