

Iraqi Cabinet decisions: July 22, 2014

Whenever the media office of the Council of Ministers publishes decisions of the Cabinet, Beyond the Headlines features a translation from the original Arabic.

Iraqi Cabinet decisions: July 17, 2014

Whenever the media office of the Council of Ministers publishes decisions of the Cabinet, Beyond the Headlines features a translation from the original Arabic.

UPDATE: KRG takes Kirkuk, Bai Hassan fields

When the Oil Ministry gave orders to dismantle a key pipeline, the Kurds took over the NOC's fields, and post-2003 relations between Baghdad and Erbil have never been worse.

Iraqi Cabinet decisions: July 10, 2014

Whenever the media office of the Council of Ministers publishes decisions of the Cabinet, Beyond the Headlines features a translation from the original Arabic.

Iraqi Cabinet decisions: July 6, 2014

Whenever the media office of the Council of Ministers publishes decisions of the Cabinet, Beyond the Headlines features a translation from the original Arabic.

Iraqi Cabinet decisions: June 24, 2014

Whenever the media office of the Council of Ministers publishes decisions of the Cabinet, Beyond the Headlines features a translation from the original Arabic.

Q&A: Falah Mustafa Bakir

Kurdistan's top ambassador says KRG territory now irreversibly includes the Kirkuk oil field, in a "new reality" of almost total Kurdish independence.

Iraqi Cabinet decisions: June 10, 2014

Whenever the media office of the Council of Ministers publishes decisions of the Cabinet, Beyond the Headlines features a translation from the original Arabic.