

Khor Mor development continues after latest drone attack

Production and expansion work continue at key gas field after yet another attack highlights unresolved Iraqi government security failures.

A view of Khor Mor gas field facilities in December 2011. (BEN VAN HEUVELEN/Iraq Oil Report)

Q&A: Kirkuk Gov. Najmaldin Karim

As political and military tensions mount around Kirkuk, the governor discusses the future of the province and its oil.

Military buildup on the KRG-Iran border

Kurdish security forces and Iranian tanks have deployed to opposite sides of the Parwezkhan crossing, as Baghdad moves to exert federal control over border posts.

Iraqi forces push north into IS-held Hawija

Despite a lack of close coordination with Peshmerga, federal security forces started an offensive to retake the IS group's last major stronghold in northern Iraq.