

Khor Mor development continues after latest drone attack

Production and expansion work continue at key gas field after yet another attack highlights unresolved Iraqi government security failures.

A view of Khor Mor gas field facilities in December 2011. (BEN VAN HEUVELEN/Iraq Oil Report)

Iraq’s Constitution needs fixing before the oil law can be moved, top MP says…

Plus: *Russia and Iraq -- quid pro quo on oil for debt *Attacks on Iraq's energy sector shut down power grid, bomb found on Electricity Ministry's doorstep *State Dept. critiqued by its own for lax dealings with Iraq government *Iraqi Kurds in U.S. push for investment beyond oil *Oil for refugees *Much more... Political disputes […]

Dispute arises over accusation Iran is stealing Iraq oil from field, involved in smuggling …

Plus: *Oil Majors get special crude instead of cash deal for upcoming oil deals *Iraq-Jordan oil import deal solidifies *Smugglers near Baiji set pipeline ablaze *Oil union leader keys British anti-war tour *Iraq sends delegation to Qatar for gas cooperation *Italy’s Edison, Shell want into Iraq gas too *Turkish op-ed denies cutting N. Iraq’s electricity […]

What is the US’s Energy Fusion Cell, and where have they been all this war?…

There's optimism in Iraq, at least from a mysterious cadre called the Energy Fusion Cell, which for the past eight months worked to bring coherence to both U.S. and Iraqi initiatives in the oil, gas and power sectors -- the backbone of its citizens' quality of life and the bulk of the national budget. It's […]

Iraq oil up end-’07, sketchy ‘08 … Update on South Korea backlash

Iraq's oil sector ends 2007 on a relatively upbeat note, with production at levels not seen since before the war. But the year had more downs than ups, and sustaining success through next year is far from guaranteed. Iraq averaged production of 2.4 million barrels per day in November, according to the global energy information […]

New security for Iraq’s most important city … Kirkuk vote delayed … New oil tankers, Syria pipeline … 5M Iraq orphans …

Basra’s Changing Hands Iraq’s oil capital, Basra, is now officially under control of Iraqi forces. The British have "controlled" the area since 2003. Control is relative, however, since under British occupation Iraq’s main rivalries have been allowed to foster competing militia violence and, along with other armed groups and gangs, turn the oil and fuels […]

Attacks on oil and power sector continue, workers targeted … Kirkuk-Baiji line bombed … Women in Basra risk death by religious fundamentalists …

There have been nearly 600 pipeline attacks in Iraq since March 2003, though recent security strategies have allowed additional flow in the northern pipeline. Attacks are also increasing in the power sector, especially among workers being targeted, according to an assessment from March 2003 to Nov. 17, 2007, made for United Press International by an […]